If you enjoy a play, then you’re one of the rare species of men who have uncovered the most luxurious and unique source of pleasure—the urethra. And, if you love being penetrated through your penetrating tool, your cock, then this My Mighty Stallion 4-Inch plug should be added to your collection of toys for a sensational, titillating sex play.
This plug, also known as prince’s wand, has the shape of a policeman’s nightstick. It’s a hollow stainless-steel rod with a threaded ball cap at the end, which you can conveniently remove so you can pee or cum freely. On the side of the rod is a stem with a threaded hole covered with a smaller ball cap.
If you have a Prince Albert Piercing, you can wear this bling for as long as you want as it will be held in place. Having a length of 4 inches, it will certainly go deep, stretch your urethra and awaken those nerve endings that have never been stimulated. The smoothness of its surface, when lubed adequately, will glide comfortably into your penis hole.
To fully enjoy play with My Mighty Stallion 4-Inch plug, make sure to sterilize it to get rid of any bacteria. Be cleanly prepared with your partner as well since this play has to be really sterile and hygienic to eliminate any possibilities of infection. While pain can be pleasurable for some, make it more bearable or erotically stimulating with 100% sterile lubricant.
Lie down or sit and breathe deeply. Relax and keep it flaccid. Trust that your partner will be extra gentle and careful with your delicate tube. Close your eyes to savor the rich sensations flowing from deep within to your whole body. You may ask your partner to glide it in and out gently for a greater intensity of stimulation. Masturbation or oral sex at this time is going to be exponentially more delightful with this plug in you. When you’ve reached the peak, aim and shoot!
Having this accessory plugged into your manhood will turn you into a mighty stallion ready to bam all night through or all-day long. This is a rare accessory, and we’ve made this rare opportunity available for you to grab.
Color | Silver |
Style | Smooth plug with a bulbous tip on top and a small round screw on the side (e.g. Beaded rod with loop) |
Material | Stainless steel |
Dimensions (in.) | |
Length 3.78in | |
Width 0.62in | |
Instructions for Cleaning | Sterilize before and after use. 100% sterile lubricant is recommended. |