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Urethral Sounds FAQ
If you are a cock owner, then congratulations. You have the ultimate weapon that makes women (and some men) uncontrollably shake their bodies and curl their toes. It's like eating your favorite food or working out, you just can't get enough of it. As something who gives its all to make the partner happy, it's unfair that it doesn't get the same treatment as the vagina does. There are many sex toys dedicated to bringing happiness and satisfaction to any woman out there, so why shouldn't be the same for cocks? Luckily, we have a lot of products here at...
Penis Plugs FAQ
Want to try out a new type of sex toy? It's time for you to plug into a whole new world of pleasurable delights!If you've wondered how it feels to insert things into your penis, you can find out smoothly with our Lustplug Penis Plugs collection. With our wide variety of assortments, you will find one that can fit you.Our Penis Plugs collection features different sizes, shapes, and materials. Generally, penis plugs are short cylindrical rods, sometimes hollow from our Cum-Thru Penis Plugs, that can either be tapered, ribbed, or ridged. At the end of the penis plugs, you will...
Urethral Figging
Are you looking for something a little more extreme than simple sounding?
Perhaps you long for the sensation of something just a bit warmer and slicker than mere metal or silicone against your cock?
How Painful Are Penis Plugs?
How Painful Are Penis Plugs Really?
Everyone has that moment when you first hear about penis plugs. That little sense of dread and confusion.
Why on earth would you want to put something in there? Surely that’s gotta hurt!
Guide to Prince Albert Piercings
Body piercings are incredibly popular with many people around the world. In more recent years, different piercings have been popping up more and more alongside the more traditional ones. One of these more unusual piercings is the Prince Albert Piercing.
Can You Make Your Own Penis Plug?
Some of you out there prefer to do things by yourself, rather than relying on store bought devices. This is always true of sex toys, and you’ll find countless stories of toothbrush vibrators or cucumber dildos. So naturally, some people might want to make their own penis plugs.
Can You Have Sex While Wearing a Penis Plug?
As with almost any kind of sexual toy, one of the first questions people might want to answer is “can I have sex with it?” While sex wearing a penis plug is definitely possible, it’s generally not advised. It comes with a number of risks.
How to Use Penis Plugs
While penis plugs are relatively simple toys, you might not know how to properly use them. This isn’t nearly as scary as you might think, and using a penis plug can be a comfortable and easy process with a few simple steps.
Lubricants for Urethral Play
Lubrication is an integral part of a safe session of urethral play. You need to use the right amount of the right lube, or you’re almost certainly going to have a painful time. Not only that, but the wrong type of lube or no lube at all will be very dangerous, and leave you exposed to infections as well as damage to the urethral tract.
Is Urethral Play Painful?
When the thought of inserting things into the urethra is first brought to your attention, your initial reaction will probably be one of slight recoil. Surely putting things in there is going to be quite painful? I won’t lie, urethral play can be painful, but usually this is only if you are doing it incorrectly. By taking time and care, and following guidelines on how to use your urethral toys, you shouldn’t feel much pain, if any at all.
Is Urethral Insertion Safe
At first glance, urethral insertion might sound like something you’d see in a horror movie. In a world of many strange and unusual sexual practises though, urethral insertion is just one of many. For those who enjoy it, this can be one of their favourite activities, and one they enjoy the most.
Types of Urethral Toys
Urethral play can be an exciting and interesting new experience for anyone looking to broaden their horizons. When it comes to buying your toys though, there can be a lot of choice and you might not know which is for you. There are four types of urethral toys, each with their own designs and sensations.
Female Urethral Play
Urethral play is a fascinating and unusual sexual practise. Once you manage to get your head around it though, it can produce some extremely pleasurable sensations that you might not otherwise be able to feel. Most guides on urethral play, and even a lot of urethral toys, tend to think about urethral play from a man’s point of view. Men aren’t the only ones who can enjoy urethral play though! Women also have urethras, and can take just as much pleasure from urethral insertion as men can.
Introduction to Urethral Play
The hunt for a better orgasm can take us all to places we never thought we’d go. Whether it’s unusual sex positions, new sex toys, or even BDSM and bondage. All these activities are ways for you to explore your own body, and your own sexuality. One area of the genitals that tends to be often overlooked though is the urethra.